
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 鏡湖醫學

Holdings: no.15 (May 2002) - no.37 (Dec 2017), no.39 (Dec 2018) - no.45 (Dec 2021)

Title Author Journal Name Date arrow_drop_down
Neurogenic pulmonary edema after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Lei, Iok Fai; Kwok, Yau Fong; Lai, Kai Seng; Kam, Lai Hou 鏡湖醫學 Oct. 2007
Radiotherapy for brain metastases
Qiu, Xi Bin; Xiao, Guang Li; Tsao, Shui Ying 鏡湖醫學 Oct. 2007
Fine needle aspiration cytology of pseudosarcomatous reactive proliferative lesions of soft tissue
Wong, Nim Lai 鏡湖醫學 May. 2002
Transsphenoidal pituitary surgery with one endonasal incixion and midofied repairation of sella floor
Geng, Jun; Geng, Rui Ming; Chen, Sui Lang 鏡湖醫學 Jul. 2003
Successful thrombolytic therapy in a child with Kawasaki disease and acute myocardial infarction
Pan, Bao Quan; Wong, Kuok Fong; Wu, Yu Qing; Zhang, Xu Ming 鏡湖醫學 Jul. 2003
冼麗芳;韋潔貞;林文華;葉玉清;陳瀚暉;文劍明 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月
陶濤;彭莉;唐靜;歐陽梓華;蔡宗仰;禤偉振 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月
張振榮;張曉戰;程鯤;楊貞勇;朱偉國;林肇聰;曹亞兵;李牧 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月
洪偉君;李達濱;黃慧明 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月
李靜;勞祥達;姚荊;司徒健仁;葉松柏;潘寶全 鏡湖醫學 2021年6月

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